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Contactors for Electrical Installation Services in Winnipeg

Need underground conduit and cables installed? You have your solution with us at HDD. The process of laying wires can be as simple as directly burying them in the ground (depending on the cable jacket) or, when necessary, pulling them through a conduit. We assess the suitability of different conditions and formulate a thorough plan. Factors like site conditions and the nature of cable installations dictate which method is the most suitable. At HDD, you get timely delivery of your projects within your budget. 

What Is Conduit?

Cable installations are often wrapped in electrical conduit which refers to tubing or other types of enclosure used to protect and provide a route for electrical wiring conductors. Conduits can be made of metal or plastic and may be rigid or flexible, depending on the wiring needed. At HDD, we are certified for conduit installation systems in your home or office.

Services Provided






Require Our Drilling Services?

Feel free to get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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